In general, filters depend on the column type where the filter will apply. Therefore, the filter types are Text
, Numeric
, Date
, and Binary
There is another type of filter named Multiple Selection
filter. But this type of filter can apply to Text
and Numeric
Live example
Filter conditions
The following table shows the existing filter types and the conditions that apply for each of them:
Empty, Equals, Not Equals, Contains, Not Contains, Starts With, and Ends With.
Empty, Equals, Not Equals, Less Than, Less Than or Equals, Greater Than, Greater Than Or Equals, and Range.
Empty, Equals, Not Equals, Less Than, Less Than or Equals, Greater Than, Greater Than Or Equals, and Range.
Empty, Equals, and Not Equals.
Empty, Equals, and Not Equals.
Customizing filter conditions
Since filter execution comes down to evaluating every filter condition against the data set, you will see how to implement your filter conditions per column or at the grid scope.
All custom instances do not have any defined condition. You must add or implement every filter condition.
When defining a custom condition, you must implement an object of type Condition<T, R, V>
Text Filter
You must provide an instance of type CustomTextCaseFilterCondition
when defining a column.
filter-types.component.html filter-types.component.ts
Copy <dike-grid id="grid-filter-types" height="600px" #grid="dkgGrid">
headerText="Complete Name"
Copy @Component({
selector: 'filter-types',
templateUrl: './filter-types.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./filter-types.component.scss'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class FilterTypesComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
nameConditions: CustomTextCaseFilterCondition<Employee>;
ngOnInit(): void {
// We only add Contains and Not Contains filter conditions to the Name column:
this.nameConditions = new CustomTextCaseFilterCondition<Employee>()
// And we provide our Starts With implementation:
text: 'My Starts With',
value: ConditionType.STARTS_WITH,
eval: (entry: Employee, dataColumnDef: DikeDataColumnDef<Employee, string>, values?: DikeTextCaseFilter) =>
We added only two conditions to the Name column: Contains and Not Contains . We also added our custom implementation of the StartsWith condition.
Numeric Filter
You must provide a CustomNumericFilterCondition
instance for numeric types when defining a column.
For the Age column, let us define a filter that gives us all the numbers outside a close interval.
filter-types.component.html filter-types.component.ts
Copy <dike-grid id="grid-filter-types" height="600px" #grid="dkgGrid"
Copy onColumnDefInstance(columnDef: DikeGridColumnDef<Employee>): void {
// Define the Age column:
const ageColumn = new DikeNumericColumnDef<Employee>('age', 'Age');
ageColumn.order = 3;
ageColumn.width = 100;
ageColumn.filterable = true;
ageColumn.sortable = true;
ageColumn.customFilterConditions = new CustomNumericFilterCondition<Employee>()
text: 'Not In Close Interval [value1, value2]',
value: 'not-in-range-interval',
eval: (entry: Employee, dataColumnDef: DikeDataColumnDef<Employee, number>, values?: DikeNumericFilter) =>
!(entry.age >= values.value1 && entry.age <= values.value2)
Notice how we have added the word range in the condition value (not-in-range-interval ). If you omit the range word, the UI will not show the second textbox for typing a numeric value.
Date Filter
You must provide a CustomDateFilterCondition
instance for Date
types when defining a column.
A Date Filter has the same conditions as a Numeric Filter.
Let us define some custom conditions for the Hire Date column:
filter-types.component.html filter-types.component.ts
Copy <dike-grid id="grid-filter-types" height="600px" #grid="dkgGrid"
Copy onColumnDefInstance(columnDef: DikeGridColumnDef<Employee>): void {
// Define the Hire Date column:
const hireDateColumn = new DikeDateColumnDef<Employee>('hireDate', 'Hire Date');
hireDateColumn.order = 5;
hireDateColumn.width = 120;
hireDateColumn.sortable = true;
hireDateColumn.filterable = true;
hireDateColumn.customFilterConditions = new CustomDateFilterCondition<Employee>()
text: 'Close Interval',
value: 'close-range-interval',
eval: (entry: Employee, dataColumnDef: DikeDataColumnDef<Employee, string | number | Date>, values?: DikeDateFilter) =>
entry.hireDate >= values.value1 && entry.hireDate <= values.value2
We have added two existing conditions in the previous example: Greater Than and Less Than . We also defined a custom condition: Close Interval . Same as before, we added the word range to the value of the custom condition.
As you can see, the DikeGrid uses the native Date
type. So do not forget to import the MatNativeDateModule
or a custom implementation instead.
Binary Filter
With the Binary Filter, the user must select between two options only. Furthermore, those options are mutually exclusive by definition.
For filtering, the DikeGrid casts Binary Filters values to string values.
If you only define a Binary
column as filterable , you will see the filters options as shown in the following screenshot:
Let us define options according to our values in our data set for the Gender column. For Binary
columns, we have to provide a CustomBinaryFilterCondition
instance to add or overwrite conditions.
filter-types.component.html filter-types.component.ts
Copy <dike-grid id="grid-filter-types" height="600px" #grid="dkgGrid"
Copy onColumnDefInstance(columnDef: DikeGridColumnDef<Employee>): void {
// Define the Gender column:
const genderColumn = new DikeBinaryColumnDef<Employee>('gender', 'Gender');
genderColumn.order = 4;
genderColumn.width = 110;
genderColumn.sortable = true;
genderColumn.filterable = true;
genderColumn.customFilterConditions = new CustomBinaryFilterCondition<Employee>()
// Then, add the visible options:
genderColumn.customFilterConditions.options = [ { label: 'Female', value: 'female' }, { label: 'Male', value: 'male', selected: true } ];
We have defined the following features with the previous code snippet:
We added Equals and Not Equals conditions. If you try adding a non-valid condition, the DikeGrid will only add valid filter conditions.
We have defined our labels and values according to the Gender column values.
Notice how we have added an initial filter for the Gender column. We tell our DikeGrid that filters the data set with a male value setting the selected
property to true.
The previous filter definition generates the following output:
Options for Binary custom filters are of type DikeBinarySelectionModel
, and you can only provide two options. If you offer more than two options, DikeGrid will ignore them.
If you try to add a condition different from Equals , Not Equal , or Empty , the DikeGrid will throw an error. You can only overwrite the mentioned conditions.
Multiple Selection
In some cases, you want the user to select several options but a fixed number of options.
Consider the following definitions in the evaluation of the conditions:
The DikeGrid evaluates the selected options with the OR logical operator.
The DikeGrid evaluates the selected options with the AND logical operator. Then, it takes the complement of the result set.
If you add the Empty condition, it will appear as a checkbox indicating if the filtering operation includes or excludes the empty values. The latter depends on the Equals or Not Equals selection, respectively.
Multiple Text Filter
For Multiple Text Filter conditions, you must provide a CustomMultipleTextFilterCondition
instance to a Text
column type.
Let us define a Multiple Text Filter for the Surname column:
filter-types.component.html filter-types.component.ts
Copy <dike-grid id="grid-filter-types" height="600px" #grid="dkgGrid">
headerText="Complete Name"
Copy @Component({
selector: 'filter-types',
templateUrl: './filter-types.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./filter-types.component.scss'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class FilterTypesComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
surnameConditions: CustomMultipleTextFilterCondition<Employee>;
ngOnInit(): void {
// We add all the valid conditions for Multiple Selection filters:
this.surnameConditions = new CustomMultipleTextFilterCondition<Employee>()
// And we have added several options:
this.surnameConditions.options = [
{ label: 'Abbott', value: 'Abbott' },
{ label: 'Adams', value: 'Adams' },
{ label: 'Bahringer', value: 'Bahringer' },
{ label: 'Balistreri', value: 'Balistreri' },
{ label: 'Beier', value: 'Beier' },
{ label: 'Bernier', value: 'Bernier' },
{ label: 'Dare', value: 'Dare' },
{ label: 'Gutkowski', value: 'Gutkowski' },
{ label: 'Herman', value: 'Herman' },
{ label: 'Lockman', value: 'Lockman' },
{ label: 'Marvin', value: 'Marvin' },
{ label: 'Parker', value: 'Parker' },
{ label: 'Reynolds', value: 'Reynolds' },
{ label: 'Ritchie', value: 'Ritchie' },
{ label: 'Schmidt', value: 'Schmidt' },
{ label: 'Thompson', value: 'Thompson' },
{ label: 'Walker', value: 'Walker' },
{ label: 'Williamson', value: 'Williamson' },
{ label: 'Zulauf', value: 'Zulauf' }
With the previous code snippet:
We have added the Empty , Equals , and Not Equals filter conditions.
We have defined several options from which the user can select.
We could have provided an initial filter selecting more than one option.
You can provide any number of options for Multiple Text Filter . The array you provide is of type DikeTextSelectionModel
Multiple Numeric Filter
For Multiple Numeric Filter conditions, you must provide a CustomMultipleNumericFilterCondition
instance to a Numeric
column type.
Let us define a Multiple Text Filter for the Performance column:
filter-types.component.html filter-types.component.ts
Copy <dike-grid id="grid-filter-types" height="600px" #grid="dkgGrid"
Copy onColumnDefInstance(columnDef: DikeGridColumnDef<Employee>): void {
// Define the Performance column:
const performanceColumn = new DikeNumericColumnDef<Employee>('performance', 'Performance');
performanceColumn.order = 7;
performanceColumn.width = 120;
performanceColumn.sortable = true;
performanceColumn.filterable = true;
performanceColumn.getValue = (entry: Employee): number => Math.round(entry.performance);
// Define the filter as Multiple Selection filter:
performanceColumn.customFilterConditions = new CustomMultipleNumericFilterCondition<Employee>()
// Add a fixed number of options:
performanceColumn.customFilterConditions.options = [
{ label: 'Five', value: 5 },
{ label: 'Four', value: 4 },
{ label: 'Three', value: 3 },
{ label: 'Two', value: 2 },
{ label: 'One', value: 1 },
With the previous code snippet:
We have added Equals and Not Equals conditions.
We added five options to the custom filter.
Important . Notice how we define the getter function rounding the performance value to close the options to an integer value.
You can provide any number of options for Multiple Numeric Filter . The array you provide is of type DikeNumericSelectionModel
Customizing conditions using the API
You can change the column filter conditions at runtime .
Customization at the grid level
The previous customizations apply at the column level. In addition, you can change the definition at the grid level.
To change conditions at grid scope, you must provide the corresponding custom instance through an input property named gridCustomFilterConditions
Let us provide a custom condition for Text
filter-types.component.html filter-types.component.ts
Copy <dike-grid id="grid-filter-types" height="600px" #grid="dkgGrid"
Copy ngOnInit(): void {
// Defining filter conditions at DikeGrid instance level:
this.gridCustomConditions = {
customTextFilterConditions: new CustomTextCaseFilterCondition<Employee>()
text: 'Grid Custom Upper Case',
value: 'grid-customUpperCaseText',
eval: (entry: Employee, dataColumnDef: DikeDataColumnDef<Employee, string>, values?: DikeTextFilter): boolean =>
We have defined a new custom condition for Text
types named grid-customUpperCaseText . This condition will apply to the Email column only because we have not specified any custom condition for that column. See the following screenshot.
It is essential to notice that when you define a new custom condition at the grid level, the DikeGrid will add this condition to the existing ones.
Customization by providing an Injection Token
The lowest precedence to define a new condition is by providing an Injection Token.
Injection Token
Custom instance
Let us define a custom condition for Text
Copy @NgModule({
providers: [
useFactory: (): CustomTextCaseFilterCondition<Employee> =>
new CustomRowTextCaseFilterCondition()
text: 'Global Custom Lower Case',
value: 'global-customLowerCaseText',
eval: (entry: Employee, dataColumnDef: DikeDataColumnDef<Employee, string>, values?: DikeTextFilter): boolean =>
export class FilteringModule { }
We have defined a new custom condition for Text
types named global-customLowerCaseText . This condition will apply to the Email column only because we have not specified any custom condition for that column. See the following screenshot.
It is essential to notice that when you define a new custom condition by providing an Injection Token, the DikeGrid will add this condition to the existing ones.
Empty Values
When the DikeGrid instance filters the rows, it considers the following values as empties:
, undefined
, and empty strings
, undefined
, and NaN
, undefined
, and Invalid Dates
We recommend you define the getter function for the columns you define. For further details, see the Column Definitions section.
Filters depend on the column type where the filter will apply. Apart from the column type a filter applies, there is one more type: Multiple Selection Filter, an extension of Text and Numeric filter types.
Since filter execution comes down to evaluating every filter condition, you can add or overwrite conditions.
Complete code for this section
filter-types.component.html filter-types.component.ts filtering.module.ts
Copy <div class="mt-2 flex flex-row flex-wrap items-center justify-around">
<button mat-raised-button
class="flex-none w-56 my-2"
<button mat-raised-button
class="flex-none w-56 my-2"
(click)="onGetFilteredRows()">Filtered rows
<button mat-raised-button
class="flex-none w-56 my-2"
(click)="onClearFilter()">Clear filter
<dike-grid id="grid-filter-types" height="600px" #grid="dkgGrid"
headerText="Employee Id"
headerText="Complete Name"
Copy import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewChild, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { CustomTextCaseFilterCondition, DikeDateColumnDef, DikeFilterable, DikeGridColumnDef, DikeGridComponent,
DikeGridDataSourceInput, DikeNumericColumnDef, DikeTextColumnDef, ConditionType, CustomNumericFilterCondition,
DikeDataColumnDef, DikeNumericFilter, CustomDateFilterCondition, DikeDateFilter, DikeTextCaseFilter,
DikeBinaryColumnDef, CustomBinaryFilterCondition, CustomMultipleTextFilterCondition, CustomMultipleNumericFilterCondition,
} from '@dikesoft/angular-data-grid';
import { DikeGridProperties } from 'app/core/config/';
import { Employee } from 'app/mock-api/common/employees/data.model';
import { SampleData } from 'app/services/sample-data.service';
import { DikeGridConfig } from 'app/services/dike-grid.config.service';
selector: 'filter-types',
templateUrl: './filter-types.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./filter-types.component.scss'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class FilterTypesComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
// Retrieve the DikeGridComponent<T> instance from the view:
@ViewChild('grid') dikeGrid: DikeGridComponent<Employee>;
dkgDataSource: DikeGridDataSourceInput<Employee>;
gridProperties: DikeGridProperties;
nameConditions: CustomTextCaseFilterCondition<Employee>;
surnameConditions: CustomMultipleTextFilterCondition<Employee>;
gridCustomConditions: DikeGridCustomFilterConditions<Employee>;
private changeGridPropertiesSubscription: Subscription = Subscription.EMPTY;
private cdr: ChangeDetectorRef,
private gridConfig: DikeGridConfig,
private sampleData: SampleData) { }
onColumnDefInstance(columnDef: DikeGridColumnDef<Employee>): void {
// Define the Age column:
const ageColumn = new DikeNumericColumnDef<Employee>('age', 'Age');
ageColumn.order = 3;
ageColumn.width = 100;
ageColumn.filterable = true;
ageColumn.sortable = true;
ageColumn.customFilterConditions = new CustomNumericFilterCondition<Employee>()
text: 'Not In Close Interval [value1, value2]',
value: 'not-in-range-interval',
eval: (entry: Employee, dataColumnDef: DikeDataColumnDef<Employee, number>, values?: DikeNumericFilter) =>
!(entry.age >= values.value1 && entry.age <= values.value2)
// Define the Hire Date column:
const hireDateColumn = new DikeDateColumnDef<Employee>('hireDate', 'Hire Date');
hireDateColumn.order = 5;
hireDateColumn.width = 120;
hireDateColumn.sortable = true;
hireDateColumn.filterable = true;
hireDateColumn.customFilterConditions = new CustomDateFilterCondition<Employee>()
text: 'Close Interval',
value: 'close-range-interval',
eval: (entry: Employee, dataColumnDef: DikeDataColumnDef<Employee, string | number | Date>, values?: DikeDateFilter) =>
entry.hireDate >= values.value1 && entry.hireDate <= values.value2
// Define the Gender column:
const genderColumn = new DikeBinaryColumnDef<Employee>('gender', 'Gender');
genderColumn.order = 4;
genderColumn.width = 110;
genderColumn.sortable = true;
genderColumn.filterable = true;
genderColumn.customFilterConditions = new CustomBinaryFilterCondition<Employee>()
// Then, add the visible options:
genderColumn.customFilterConditions.options = [ { label: 'Female', value: 'female' }, { label: 'Male', value: 'male', selected: true } ];
// Define the Email column:
const emailColumn = new DikeTextColumnDef<Employee>('email', 'Email');
emailColumn.order = 6;
emailColumn.width = 250;
emailColumn.sortable = true;
emailColumn.filterable = true;
// Define the Performance column:
const performanceColumn = new DikeNumericColumnDef<Employee>('performance', 'Performance');
performanceColumn.order = 7;
performanceColumn.width = 120;
performanceColumn.sortable = true;
performanceColumn.filterable = true;
performanceColumn.getValue = (entry: Employee): number => Math.round(entry.performance);
// Define the filter as Multiple Selection filter:
performanceColumn.customFilterConditions = new CustomMultipleNumericFilterCondition<Employee>()
// Add a fixed number of options:
performanceColumn.customFilterConditions.options = [
{ label: 'Five', value: 5 },
{ label: 'Four', value: 4 },
{ label: 'Three', value: 3 },
{ label: 'Two', value: 2 },
{ label: 'One', value: 1 },
// Then, add the colums to the DikeGridComponent instance:
columnDef.addColumns([ ageColumn, hireDateColumn, genderColumn, emailColumn, performanceColumn ]);
ngOnInit(): void {
// Get 1000 entries from the REST API:
this.dkgDataSource = this.sampleData.getEmployees(1000);
// Listening to any config property change:
// We only add Contains and Not Contains filter conditions to the Name column:
this.nameConditions = new CustomTextCaseFilterCondition<Employee>()
// And we provide our Starts With implementation:
text: 'My Starts With',
value: ConditionType.STARTS_WITH,
eval: (entry: Employee, dataColumnDef: DikeDataColumnDef<Employee, string>, values?: DikeTextCaseFilter) =>
// We add all the valid conditions for Multiple Selection filters:
this.surnameConditions = new CustomMultipleTextFilterCondition<Employee>()
// And we have added several options:
this.surnameConditions.options = [
{ label: 'Abbott', value: 'Abbott' },
{ label: 'Adams', value: 'Adams' },
{ label: 'Bahringer', value: 'Bahringer' },
{ label: 'Balistreri', value: 'Balistreri' },
{ label: 'Beier', value: 'Beier' },
{ label: 'Bernier', value: 'Bernier' },
{ label: 'Dare', value: 'Dare' },
{ label: 'Gutkowski', value: 'Gutkowski' },
{ label: 'Herman', value: 'Herman' },
{ label: 'Lockman', value: 'Lockman' },
{ label: 'Marvin', value: 'Marvin' },
{ label: 'Parker', value: 'Parker' },
{ label: 'Reynolds', value: 'Reynolds' },
{ label: 'Ritchie', value: 'Ritchie' },
{ label: 'Schmidt', value: 'Schmidt' },
{ label: 'Thompson', value: 'Thompson' },
{ label: 'Walker', value: 'Walker' },
{ label: 'Williamson', value: 'Williamson' },
{ label: 'Zulauf', value: 'Zulauf' }
// Defining filter conditions at DikeGrid instance level:
this.gridCustomConditions = {
customTextFilterConditions: new CustomTextCaseFilterCondition<Employee>()
text: 'Grid Custom Upper Case',
value: 'grid-customUpperCaseText',
eval: (entry: Employee, dataColumnDef: DikeDataColumnDef<Employee, string>, values?: DikeTextCaseFilter): boolean =>
ngOnDestroy(): void {
onGetFilterables(): void {
console.log('Filterables: ', this.dikeGrid.filter.filterables);
onGetFilteredRows(): void {
console.log('Filtered rows: ', this.dikeGrid.filter.getFilteredRows());
onClearFilter(): void {
onRegisterChange(filterable: DikeFilterable<Employee>): void {
console.log('Register change: ', filterable);
onFilterChange(filterable: DikeFilterable<Employee>): void {
console.log('Filter change: ', filterable);
private setChangeGridPropertiesSubscription(): void {
this.changeGridPropertiesSubscription = this.gridConfig.configChange.subscribe((props: DikeGridProperties) => {
this.gridProperties = props;
Copy import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { RouterModule } from '@angular/router';
import { DikeDataGridModule, NUMERIC_FILTER_DEBOUNCE_TIME,
CUSTOM_ROW_TEXT_FILTER_CONDITIONS, CustomRowTextCaseFilterCondition, ConditionType,
DikeDataColumnDef, DikeTextFilter
} from '@dikesoft/angular-data-grid';
import { SharedModule } from 'app/shared/shared.module';
import { Employee } from 'app/mock-api/common/employees/data.model';
import { filteringRoutes } from 'app/modules/admin/filtering/filtering.routing';
import { ColumnFiltersComponent } from './column-filters/column-filters.component';
import { FilterTypesComponent } from './filter-types/filter-types.component';
import { InLineFiltersComponent } from './in-line-filters/in-line-filters.component';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [
{ provide: NUMERIC_FILTER_DEBOUNCE_TIME, useValue: 300 },
useFactory: (): CustomRowTextCaseFilterCondition<Employee> =>
new CustomRowTextCaseFilterCondition<Employee>()
useFactory: (): CustomTextCaseFilterCondition<Employee> =>
new CustomRowTextCaseFilterCondition()
text: 'Global Custom Lower Case',
value: 'global-customLowerCaseText',
eval: (entry: Employee, dataColumnDef: DikeDataColumnDef<Employee, string>, values?: DikeTextFilter): boolean =>
export class FilteringModule { }