
This class creates a column, either a data column or a group column, using the HTML definition.

Component metadata

selector: dk-grid-column

export as: dkgColumn


DkGridColumnComponent<T, R>

<T> represents the object's shape coming from the data source.

<R> represents the column data type: string, number, Date, or boolean.


class DkGridColumnComponent<T extends object, R extends string | number | Date | boolean> implements AfterContentInit {

  slotId: string;

  @Input() fieldName: string;
  @Input() headerText: string;
  @Input() headerTooltip: string;
  @Input() dataType: DkColumnDataType;

  get order(): number;
  set order(value: any);
  static ngAcceptInputType_order: NumberInput;

  get width(): number;
  set width(value: any);
  static ngAcceptInputType_width: NumberInput;

  get minWidth(): number;
  set minWidth(value: any);
  static ngAcceptInputType_minWidth: NumberInput;

  get maxWidth(): number;
  set maxWidth(value: any);
  static ngAcceptInputType_maxWidth: NumberInput;

  @Input() contentAlign: ColumnAlignment;

  get draggable(): boolean;
  set draggable(value: any);
  static ngAcceptInputType_draggable: BooleanInput;

  get locked(): boolean;
  set locked(value: any);
  static ngAcceptInputType_locked: BooleanInput;

  get resizable(): boolean;
  set resizable(value: any);
  static ngAcceptInputType_resizable: BooleanInput;

  get visible(): boolean;
  set visible(value: any);
  static ngAcceptInputType_visible: BooleanInput;

  get sortable(): boolean;
  set sortable(value: any);
  static ngAcceptInputType_sortable: BooleanInput;

  get filterable(): boolean;
  set filterable(value: any);
  static ngAcceptInputType_filterable: BooleanInput;

  get editable(): boolean;
  set editable(value: any);
  static ngAcceptInputType_editable: BooleanInput;

  get groupable(): boolean;
  set groupable(value: any);
  static ngAcceptInputType_groupable: BooleanInput;

  get displayMenu(): boolean;
  set displayMenu(value: any);
  static ngAcceptInputType_displayMenu: BooleanInput;

  @Input() filter: DkFilter[];
  @Input() customFilterConditions: CustomFilterConditionInstance<T>;

  @Input() panel: DkGridPanel;

  @Input() displayOn: DisplayStatus;
  @Input() displayStatus: DisplayStatus;

  @Input() getValue: GetterFn<T, R>;
  @Input() setValue: SetterFn<T, R>;

  @Input() editionSettings: EditionFieldSettings;
  @Input() editionTemplate: TemplateRef<any> | null | undefined;
  @Input() displayTemplate: TemplateRef<any> | null | undefined;

Last updated